Type: Function, Name: NewMarketParadigm, Output: Numeric
Input: Price(NumericSeries),Length(NumericSimple),StdDevUp (NumericSimple),StdDevDn(NumericSimple);
value1 = BollingerBand(Price,Length,StdDevUp);
value2 = BollingerBand(Price,Length,StdDevDn);
Condition1 = value1 < value1[1] and value2 > value2[1]; {Contraction}{Built as conditions for later revision –WD}
Condition2 = value1 > value1[1] and value2 < value2[1]; {Expansion}
Condition3 = Condition1 = False and Condition2 = False; {Transition}
IF Condition1 then NewMarketParadigm = 1; {Contraction}
IF Condition2 then NewMarketParadigm = 2; {Expansion}
IF Condition3 then NewMarketParadigm = 3; {Transition}
Name: NMP SYSTEM, Stops: None
Input: Price(close),Length(28),StdDevUp(2),StdDevDn(-2);
Vars: NmpC(0),NmpE(0),NmpT(0),Trigger(0);
If NewMarketParadigm(Price,Length,StdDevUp,StdDevDn) = 1 then NmpC = NmpC + 1
Else NmpC = 0; {Contraction phase}
If NewMarketParadigm(Price,Length,StdDevUp,StdDevDn) = 2 then NmpE = NmpE + 1
Else NmpE = 0; {Expansion Phase}
If NewMarketParadigm(Price,Length,StdDevUp,StdDevDn) = 3 then NmpT = 1
Else NmpT = 0; {Transition Phase}{Reversal traders will be using this phase, so I left it in, although I donOt use it. No Counter is implemented, but one could certainly do that N WD}
Condition1 = NmpE > 1; {2 consecutive NmpE ranges qualify as an Expansion Phase. — WD}
If Condition1 then begin
Trigger = 1;
If Trigger = 1 then begin
Buy Highest(High,10) + 1 point Stop;
Sell Lowest(Low,10) – 1 point Stop;