Nr Индикаторы
1 SaittaTrend
2 Seasonal SB – Short by John Momsen
3 Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)  by John Ehlers
4 Simple Futures MA Indicator by Jay Kaeppel
5 Sine Wave Indicator by John Ehlers
6 SMI Oscillator
7 SMI_TRADE Indicator (Stochastic Momentum Index Trade)
8 Standard Error Bands by Jon Andersen
9 Stochastic Momentum Indicator by William Blau
10 Stochastic S&C Indicator by Robert Zellner
11 Stochastics by Stuart Evens
12 StochRSI
13 Support and Resistance Indicator by Mel Widner
14 Swing Trader Trendline
15 Swing Wave Indicator
Nr Торговые системы
1 Seasonal Trade by John Momsen
2 Sideways
3 Simple Futures MA System by Jay Kaeppel
4 Stochastic S&C System by Robert Zellner
5 Stuckey 19 by Randy Stuckey
6 SystemB by George Pruitt
7 SystemD by George Pruitt
Nr Эксперты
1 Smash Up or Down by Larry Williams
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